Upcoming conferences
13 October 2008

Two upcoming conferences are seeking input from the space law community:

Workshop International - L'Outil Spatial au Service de la Gestion des Catastrophes et des Situations d'Urgence en Afrique, Aspects Techniques, Organisationnels et Juridiques (to be held in French) in Rabat, Morocco, 10-12 November 2008, organised by, a.o., the Centre Régional Africain des Sciences et Technologies de l' Espace en Langue Française (CRASTE -LF) and the Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatial (CRTS), with UNOOSA/ UN-SPIDER.

First Mediterranean Astronautics Conference in Tunis, 17-19 November, organised with the IAA, is inviting contributions amongst others in the field of policies and laws on satellites and satellite applications

For information and expression of interest, please contact the IISL.

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